Newry City AFC would like to thank all 157 entrants for taking part in our Last Man Standing competition and helping to support the club. We would also like to thank all of our Last Man Standing sellers. It is greatly appreciated by the club.
We had a total of 61 fallers in the opening round. Manchester United’s (31 backers) shock defeat to Swansea and Everton’s (16 backers) draw at Leicester City accounted for the majority of these. However, Arsenal backers can count themselves extremely fortunate to still be in the competition. A massive 48 of you had Aaron Ramsey to thank for his late winner against Crystal Palace.
A special mention must go to Jennifer Martin and Michelle McCormack who both took a punt on Hull to win away at QPR. Well done ladies.
The full list of Round 1 results can be seen below. Anyone who is numbered from 97 – 157 has been eliminated. Good luck to the 96 entrants who made it through to round two of the competition and remain in the hunt for the £500 cash prize.
No | Name | Round 1 |
1 | S Davison | Arsenal |
2 | C Davison | Arsenal |
3 | Chris Fay | Arsenal |
4 | Chris Fay | Arsenal |
5 | Chris Fay | Arsenal |
6 | Chris McMahon | Arsenal |
7 | Caolan Gallgher | Arsenal |
8 | Jim O’Connor | Arsenal |
9 | Jason Rafferty | Arsenal |
10 | Anthony Grimes | Arsenal |
11 | Barry Johnston | Arsenal |
12 | Gary Redpath | Arsenal |
13 | John McDowel | Arsenal |
14 | Julie McArdle | Arsenal |
15 | Kevin Darcy | Arsenal |
16 | Ian McDonald | Arsenal |
17 | Chris Coffey | Arsenal |
18 | Noel Quinn | Arsenal |
19 | Martin Walker | Arsenal |
20 | Damien O’Hare | Arsenal |
21 | Paul Farrell | Arsenal |
22 | Gerard McKevitt | Arsenal |
23 | Michael McCormack | Arsenal |
24 | Joe Campbell | Arsenal |
25 | Roddy Campbell | Arsenal |
26 | Conor McKeown | Arsenal |
27 | Chris Johnston | Arsenal |
28 | Shane King | Arsenal |
29 | Mark Patton | Arsenal |
30 | Robert Toman | Arsenal |
31 | Marty McParland | Arsenal |
32 | Raime Woods | Arsenal |
33 | Camillus Fitzpatrick | Arsenal |
34 | Jim Campbell | Arsenal |
35 | Dorothy Taylor | Arsenal |
36 | Jim Hillen | Arsenal |
37 | Paddy McGrath | Arsenal |
38 | Paddy Heaney | Arsenal |
39 | Gareth Young | Arsenal |
40 | Shaun Cinnamond | Arsenal |
41 | Sean McMullan | Arsenal |
42 | Shane Lundy | Arsenal |
43 | Gary Wilson | Arsenal |
44 | Philip Wilson | Arsenal |
45 | Eric Wilson | Arsenal |
46 | Dara Taylor | Arsenal |
47 | Mickey Rocks | Arsenal |
48 | Kevin Taylor | Arsenal |
49 | Ruairi McKevitt | Aston Villa |
50 | Margo Wilson | Aston Villa |
51 | Emilie Wilson | Aston Villa |
52 | Gerard Murphy | Aston Villa |
53 | Chris Fay | Chelsea |
54 | Chris McMahon | Chelsea |
55 | Marie Robertson | Chelsea |
56 | Brian Collins | Chelsea |
57 | Daniel Murphy | Chelsea |
58 | Paul McKenna | Chelsea |
59 | Paul Murtagh | Chelsea |
60 | Andrew Boyd | Chelsea |
61 | Teresa Lennnon | Chelsea |
62 | David McGrath | Chelsea |
63 | Jennifer Martin | Hull |
64 | Michelle McCormack | Hull |
65 | G Davison | Liverpool |
66 | Chris Fay | Liverpool |
67 | David O’Connor | Liverpool |
68 | John Fearon | Liverpool |
69 | Conor Murdock | Liverpool |
70 | Valerie Edgar | Liverpool |
71 | Seamus Byrne | Liverpool |
72 | Artie Kavanagh | Liverpool |
73 | Tom O’Hanlon | Liverpool |
74 | Mickey Keenan | Liverpool |
75 | Brendan McCann | Liverpool |
76 | Laura Hillen | Liverpool |
77 | Gerard Hillen | Liverpool |
78 | John Prentice | Liverpool |
79 | Peter Murphy | Liverpool |
80 | Gerry McKevitt | Liverpool |
81 | Christine O’Rourke | Liverpool |
82 | Robbie Casey | Liverpool |
83 | Patricia Heather | Liverpool |
84 | Kevin Lyons | Liverpool |
85 | Conor Smyth | Man City |
86 | Micky Mallon | Man City |
87 | Rachel McClymont | Man City |
88 | Conor Crilly | Man City |
89 | Eric Johnston | Spurs |
90 | Gabriel Farrell | Spurs |
91 | Liam McLoughlin | Spurs |
92 | Jonny Finnegan | Spurs |
93 | Jason Finnegan | Spurs |
94 | Darren Lonergan | Spurs |
95 | Conor McEvoy | Spurs |
96 | Aaron Kehoe | Spurs |
97 | Chris Fay | Stoke |
98 | Bobby Johnston | Stoke |
99 | Des Edgar | Stoke |
100 | Tony McElroy | Stoke |
101 | Graeme Homer | Stoke |
102 | Stefan Martin | Stoke |
103 | Chris Fay | Sunderland |
104 | Johnny Ferns | Sunderland |
105 | Chris McAllister | Sunderland |
106 | Jennifer Martin | West Brom |
107 | Michael McAlinden | Everton |
108 | Niall Crilly | Everton |
109 | Chris Crilly | Everton |
110 | N McCann | Everton |
111 | L Davison | Everton |
112 | Keith Waters | Everton |
113 | Willie Brown | Everton |
114 | Colm McCabe | Everton |
115 | Aaron McParland | Everton |
116 | Mo Ruddy | Everton |
117 | Jonny Irwin | Everton |
118 | Ciaran Galbraith | Everton |
119 | Ciaran Kelly | Everton |
120 | Denise Leonard | Everton |
121 | Gary McGinn | Everton |
122 | Alan Martin | Everton |
123 | Jonny Lennon | Leicester |
124 | Chris Fay | Man Utd |
125 | Chris Fay | Man Utd |
126 | Decky McParland | Man Utd |
127 | Jackie Redpath | Man Utd |
128 | Tony McCreanor | Man Utd |
129 | Jake Redpath | Man Utd |
130 | Davy Magaffin | Man Utd |
131 | Stevie McArdle | Man Utd |
132 | Ryan Gourley | Man Utd |
133 | Graeme Edgar | Man Utd |
134 | Mark Kenning | Man Utd |
135 | Gerry McCoy | Man Utd |
136 | Brian Og McSorley | Man Utd |
137 | Jimmy Walker | Man Utd |
138 | Darragh Teague | Man Utd |
139 | Liam Kerr | Man Utd |
140 | Paul McCrink | Man Utd |
141 | damien Lavery | Man Utd |
142 | Keith Johnston | Man Utd |
143 | Seamus McParland | Man Utd |
144 | Frosty O’Hare | Man Utd |
145 | Gary Cregan | Man Utd |
146 | Liam O’Hagan | Man Utd |
147 | Ciaran Horsfall | Man Utd |
148 | Ronan McGrath | Man Utd |
149 | Sean Cunningham | Man Utd |
150 | Allister Heaney | Man Utd |
151 | David Short | Man Utd |
152 | Darren Mullen | Man Utd |
153 | Chris Taylor | Man Utd |
154 | Simon Taylor | Man Utd |
155 | Martin McLoughlin | QPR |
156 | Tommy Canning | QPR |
157 | Barry Traynor | QPR |