World Cup draw results

A massive thank you to every single person who entered our three World Cup draws! Thanks also to Gary, Marty, Micéal, Ernie and Jason for helping to conduct the draw live on Facebook this evening.

Results are as follows:

  1. Japan – (D1) Aaron Elmore, (D2) Bobo Kane, (D3) Jimmy Greer
  2. Mexico – (D1) Decky McParland, (D2) Artie Kavanagh, (D3) John Fearon
  3. Panama – (D1) Joe Barr, (D2) Stephen Moore, (D3) Tucker McCann
  4. Argentina – (D1) Robbie Casey, (D2) Jimmy Walker, (D3) Gerry Hillen
  5. England – (D1) Paul Murphy, (D2) Elodhi Smith, (D3) Dorothy Taylor
  6. Belgium – (D1) Rosie Smith, (D2) Pat McGrath, (D3) Tucker McCann
  7. Croatia – (D1) Gary Wilson, (D2) Eric Wilson, (D3) Paddy Mooney
  8. Serbia – (D1) Sean McKevitt, (D2) Ian McDonald, (D3) Decky Carville
  9. Australia – (D1) Niall O’Connor, (D2) Gary Redpath, (D3) Stephen Moore
  10. Peru – (D1) Laura Hillen, (D2) Shane Mullen, (D3) Anthony Morgan
  11. Costa Rica – (D1) Ronan McGrath, (D2) Brendan Cranney, (D3) Phillip Wilson
  12. Columbia – (D1) Aaron McParland, (D2) Neil Mullen, (D3) Denis McGuinness
  13. Egypt – (D1) Sarah McParland, (D2) Mickey Keenan, (D3) Joe Finnegan
  14. Morocco – (D1) Liam McLoughlin, (D2) Neil McCullough, (D3) Michaela Hillen
  15. Poland – (D1) Brian Ferris, (D2) Timmy Grant, (D3) Mark Trainor
  16. South Korea – (D1) Niamh Mulholland, (D2) Thomas Casey, (D3) Kyle Warde
  17. Germany – (D1) Marty McParland, (D2) Kevin Lyons, (D3) Mark Hughes
  18. Saudi Arabia – (D1) Eric Johnston, (D2) Ailbe Smith, (D3) Selena Fitzpatrick
  19. France – (D1) Mo Ruddy, (D2) Gareth McCullough, (D3) Lenny
  20. Uruguay – (D1) Tommy McKelvey, (D2) Gary Grant, (D3) Peter Rice
  21. Spain – (D1) Myles Wright, (D2) Jimmy Walker, (D3) Brendan McCann
  22. Sweden – (D1) Ray Byrne, (D2) Aidan McAleavey, (D3) Kevin McArdle
  23. Iran – (D1) Keith Johnston, (D2) Liam O’Hagan, (D3) Conor McCaul
  24. Russia – (D1) Tommy McKelvey, (D2) Jason Niblock, (D3) Sean Hughes
  25. Iceland – (D1) Paul Mulholland, (D2) Andrew Boyd, (D3) Micky McAlinden
  26. Nigeria – (D1) Richard Forsythe, (D2) Johnny Ferns, (D3) Emilie & Arthur Wilson
  27. Senegal – (D1) Louise McManus, (D2) Dorothy Taylor, (D3) Sean McMullen
  28. Portugal – (D1) Darren Mullen, (D2) Brendan Monaghan, (D3) Gareth Warde
  29. Denmark – (D1) Mary McParland, (D2) Ernie Campbell, (D3) Mickey McCormack
  30. Tunisia – (D1) Shaun Cinnamond, (D2) Paul Murtagh, (D3) Micéal McParland
  31. Brazil – (D1) Martin McLoughlin, (D2) Ian Curran, (D3) Donal McParland
  32. Switzerland – (D1) Keith Johnston (player), (D2) Brian Ferris, (D3) Sean Gaffney

Remember, the three people on the winning country will all win £100 each.