A Tribute to Jimmy Davis, may he Rest in Peace
By NCAFC Club Historian, Jim Campbell
“I was a football mad teenager when I first came into contact with the late Jimmy during 1959. Jimmy had just returned to Newry to work for the Newry Reporter who had just acquired The Newry Telegraph. He had spent the previous eight years as Belfast based in the employment of The Northern Whig.
In his new position as Sports Editor of The Newry Telegraph I had written a letter to him outlining my views on the state of football in Newry at that time. He published my letter and a few days later he approached me to ask would I would I be willing to write reports on some Newry Town FC games when he was unable to attend at The Showgrounds.
I was pleased to accept his request and that was the beginning of our friendship. When The Newry Telegraph went out of business Jimmy took up the position as Sports Editor of The Newry Reporter, a position he held until his retirement in 2009 at the approx age of 80 Years.
He quite rightly and deservedly holds legendary status in the City of Newry and its hinterland for the magnificent service he has given to local football over a long period of years.
In the late forties he was an enthusiastic young member of the Newry Town FC Management Committee and one of his first jobs at The Showgrounds was to carry the small blackboard around the perimeter of the pitch on a Saturday telling the Town Fans what team had been selected for the game. He was also a club season ticket holder for a long number of years.
During July 1968 a meeting was held in the room above Benny Davis’s shop in Canal Street. Benny was Jimmy’s Father and it was at this meeting that The Carnbane League was formed.
Jimmy was immediately appointed Hon Secretary of the newly formed Carnbane League and held that position ever since until his sudden passing today at the age of 92 years.
His service and commitment to The Carnbane League and his impact on local football down through the years has been nothing short of magnificent. During 2013 Jimmy was awarded the BEM for all his dedication and his brilliant work behind the scenes for the League. A honour that was richly deserved for a man who not only was a sporting legend in The City of Newry and its hinterland but more importantly was a kind and a true gentleman to know.
I will miss our regular telephone chats Jimmy but I will never forget our lifelong friendship.
Deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to the Davis Family. A dearly beloved husband of the late Grace and a much loved and Cherished Father of Maud, Andrew, Elizabeth, Sylvia, and Mark.”
Newry City AFC Chairman Martin McLoughlin added “Jimmy Davis, a gentleman who was a great friend of our club and indeed local soccer as a whole. The Carnbane league was his number one, he dedicated so much time and energy to its running. Many many local footballers have so much to thank him for, organisation of leagues, pitches, meetings and many other day-to-day issues that are involved in running a league. The soccer community in Newry will be much poorer for his passing.
Sincere condolences to the Davis family and all of Jimmy’s wide circle of friends.”