A Statement from the Manager Darren Mullen

A Statement from the Manager Darren Mullen

“Honour and privilege. Those are the 2 words I would use to describe my time as manager of Newry City AFC. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would be on this journey over the past 10 years. It has given both my family and I so many great memories that will last a lifetime. I have known for some time that I would be stepping down as manager and there is no better way to leave the club than in the Premiership where they rightfully belong. It hasn’t always been easy but there are so many people I need to thank for their help and support over those years. To every single player who played for me I thank you. I may not have got every decision right but I hope you all take some happy memories from your time at the club. Special mention to my 3 captains Chris, Hughesy and Engine who have been terrific representatives for me in the changing rooms. To every single coach from the academy right through to the senior team who helped nurture those players who played for the club. Special mention to Ramy, Jervis, Micky, Gary, Damien Hillen and Damian McCorry who gave me more support than they will ever realise. To Gaff, Willie and Dorothy who have not only helped me in many ways but also kept the craic going when I badly needed a laugh. To the physios and other support staff over the years. To all the committee members, volunteers and sponsors over the years who kept the club going off the pitch to allow me to do my job on it. Special mention to the Chairman Martin, Vice-chairman Gary and the Hillen family who have not only had to put up with my never-ending demands in trying to push the club forward but have also become good friends. To my family for giving me the time, patience and support to throw myself into this role. Anyone involved in management will know the efforts and sacrifices involved and there is no way I could have done this without my wonderful wife Diane and my 4 daughters. Last but not least I want to thank the fans. From day one they have given me their full support and to hear them chanting my name made me prouder than they will ever know. They realise I am one of their own and will be eternally grateful for being part of ‘Darren Mullen’s blue and white army’. I’ve no doubt the club will continue to grow and I will look forward to coming back to The Showgrounds to support the team as a fan. 💙⚽️”


Comment from the Chairman Martin McLoughlin


“After we absorb the managers news we will come to realise that today’s announcement marks the end of an era at our club. Ten years ago last month we reformed and Darren Mullen was both the instigator as well as being pivotal to that revival. As Chairman, and on behalf of our club, I would like to thank Darren and his family for his dedication and total commitment since then. Without doubt enjoying the highs and seeing out the lows during that time has allowed us to become firm friends and I’m absolutely delighted that his tenure as manager has ended with those friendships fully intact. Darren leaves us with many great memories. He was very much more than just a football manager and got involved in a lot of issues pertaining to the everyday running of Newry City AFC and for that we are very grateful. However, it is for success on the pitch that a manager will be remembered and Darren has had more than his share of that over those 10 years, winning leagues, cups and numerous promotions culminating in this year securing Premiership football for 23/24 at The Showgrounds. Without doubt this success has brought a new sense of pride to the club and nothing makes me happier than to see our colours worn by young and old alike around the Newry area. I can safely say that all at Newry City AFC wish Darren every success in the future and look forward to seeing him at many games supporting the club he served so well.”



Darren Mullen will be on the sideline for his last match as Manager on Saturday and the club will provide an update on the Managerial position in due course.