Author: Sean

Physio required

A Physio is required for our first team games on the 17th, 23rd and 30th January, along with one night per week at training in between each of these dates. Contact Darren on 07969064937 for further details.

We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our fans for their continued support throughout 2014 and to wish you all a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year. We hope you all enjoy the celebrations wherever you may be this New Year’s Eve. Happy 2015!

Fans in focus: Santa Claus

Name: Santa Claus

Age: Questionable.

How long have you followed Newry?
I think it was St Stephen’s Day 1923. I happened to be passing after a particularly busy day’s work.

Best Memory?
Oh, has to be St Patrick’s Day 2001 at Windsor Park. Dean Fitzgerald and Gary McPhee (2) scored in a 3-1 victory over the mighty Linfield, Champions and runaway League leaders. Christmas came early that year.

Funniest Moment?
How long have you got? Perhaps when a visit from Linfield had a dedicated supporter on duty behind their dugout. When it came to half time he (Aggro) looked David Jeffrey in the eye and delivered the following in a Mid-West American drawl………“terrible language for a Preacher Man”. The great one beamed broadly as he headed down the tunnel. It could well have been the day Bo Willis scored, even though he was 14 miles offside. Then there was an evening when The Goog almost took out a Flybe plane over The Oval when he ballooned one from 40 yards. You couldn’t make it up.

Favourite Player?
Well, Ollie Ralph is, for some reason, more popular in Newry than my good self. I have a soft spot for flawed talent: Sean Friars, Lee Feeney, Alan Davidson, come to mind and I’m very proud when one of my little elves pulls on the shirt: Austy Friel, Wee Marty Havern, Rambo Hughes. Among our best helpers have been Gavin Dykes, Robbie Casey, Richard Clarke and my own favourite, Dee Curran.

Favourite Ground to visit?
Always enjoyed the Social at Swallytude, I don’t raise as many eyebrows there, but a trip to Stangmore Park was usually eventful. The January evening we came from 2 goals down to win 6-4. Mickey Collins grabbed the game by the scruff of the neck and galvanised us. He scored a goal early in the 2nd half before getting a straight red and having a spat with the locals – The ultimate Bad Santa. The unbridled joy when Captain Marvel secured the win remains a cherished memory. Rudolph is no fan of 3G so he has been delighted with some of the grazing available at Intermediate level. Laurelvale and Broomhedge are among his favourites.

What is special about Newry?
The fact that after all the false prophets a band of brothers and sisters came together to prevent their club being relegated into the footballing history books. We also have the great gift of being able to laugh at ourselves.

Thoughts on the future?
Believe. We all believe, don’t we?

Sad News

Billy McVicker, pictured back row, third from right, in a Newry Town FC committee photo during the 1972/73 season.

It is with very deep sorrow and great sadness that we report the death in the early hours of Wednesday morning of former Newry Town/City FC Secretary and Chairman Billy McVicker.

Billy’s first administrative role in football was as Secretary of The Carnbane League and during the 1969-70 season when he was co-opted to a similar position on The Town management committee.

A short time afterwards he was elected Chairman, a position he held for a number of years.

He also represented the club at the I.F.A. and the M.U.F.A for a number of years and was also Secretary of the MUFA for a lengthy period.

Deepest sympathy and condolences to his loving Wife and the entire McVicker family.

Billy’s funeral service is to be held in Newry Methodist Church this coming Friday.

NCAFC travel club update

NCAFC travel club is running a bus to the Intermediate cup tie against Ballinamallard this Saturday, leaving Stonebridge at 11am.

On Saturday 6th December the travel club is running a bus to the Irish Cup tie against Portstewart. They will be taking numbers and deposits of £6 from Saturday onwards. Numbers are needed ASAP to book either a 33 or 57 seater bus. Anyone wishing to book a spot can contact Kevin Ruddy or Decky McParland on 07971134624

Newry Manager takes up Everton role

Photo: Darren Mullen (right) is pictured here with Everton FC’s chief scout for Ireland, Paul Hamilton.
Photo courtesy of Brendan Monaghan Photography.

Newry City AFC manager Darren Mullen has agreed to become a scout for English Premiership outfit Everton FC. Darren will join forces with Everton’s chief scout for Ireland Paul Hamilton in a bid to unearth young footballing talent in the Newry and Mourne and Mid Ulster area. Newry City fans can all breath a sigh of relief though as Darren told this new role will in no way affect his position at Newry, but will in fact help the club.

“This is a role that, although completely separate from my manager’s job at Newry, can only benefit the club long-term. After meeting with Paul Hamilton, Everton’s first team scout, it was agreed that I would become an extra set of eyes and ears in the Newry and Mid-Ulster area to determine whether there are any potential future Everton players, ” Darren said.

He continued: “I will advise Paul accordingly and it will then be his decision if a player goes over to Everton on trial. As part of this agreement I will travel over to Everton’s training ground Finch Farm next month to meet their coaching staff and see their coaching methods at first hand. This will be a great experience for me and will hopefully allow me to transfer what I will learn into what we are doing at Newry.”

Darren added, “It is also a great opportunity for any young player, whether they are a Newry player or not to have the chance to impress a representative from an English Premiership club. Whilst working to secure further success with Newry is my priority, this role is one to be embraced and I’m sure enjoyed.”