Meet the Players: Sean McMullan

mullyName: Sean McMullan

Age: 34

Occupation: I’m partner in a small specialised cleaning company called Grease Busters.

Position: Striker

Previous Clubs: Warrenpoint Town

Honours: Mid Ulster A x3, Mid Ulster B x1, Premier Cup x3, Marshall Cup x3, Championship 2 and Championship 1 play off winner

Footballing Hero:  Eric Cantona & Roy Keane

What is the best ground you have played in? I love Solitude as I scored a penalty there for the ‘Point when we beat them on penalties in the Irish Cup. I made my Premiership debut there as well.

Who is the joker of the team? Ian Curran is the top man for one liners and Tucker (Thomas McCann) after a bottle of Buck lol

Apart from yourself who is the best player on the team? There are that many good players now, it’s hard to call but I love playing up top with Johnstie (Keith Johnston). We have an understanding – he does the running and I take the hits!

Who is the laziest player in the team? Mark Lowry – Only man to play more games than training sessions!

Who has the worst dress sense? Niall Crilly without a doubt but I see past that because I love the man and I wouldn’t be playing for Newry only for him.

Your toughest opponent? Toughest would be Colin Coates or Darren King when roles were reversed.

Who is the best player you have ever played with? John Boyle on his day was unbeatable. Also Simon O’Hare had more ability than anyone I ever seen but wasn’t too bothered.

If you had a super power what would it be? If I had a super power it would to be to able to run lol.

What are your interests outside of football? Spending time with my gorgeous nieces and crazy nephews, eating Chopsticks Chinese and wedding planning (not) haha! Oh and going to watch the ‘Point even though Mr Ruddy gives me a hard time for it. ( You can take the man out of the ‘Point but ya can’t take the ‘Point out of the man lol!!)

What is your goal at Newry? My goal at Newry is to help get this great club back to where it belongs in the Irish League. Oh and I’d love a treble this year. Have to say the support we get is second to none – it makes all the difference especially when games are tight.

Photos courtesy of Brendan Monaghan Photography

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