‘Here We Are’ Tickets on sale now

Tickets for the premiere screening of the film ‘Here We Are’, a 60 minute documentary film following Newry City in the club’s bid to get back to the big time, are now available to buy.

The premiere will take place in the Canal Court Hotel, Newry on Saturday August 19. Doors open at 8pm with the screening beginning at 9pm SHARP.

Following the screening, there will also be a Q&A with Director Ally McKenzie, Producer Gareth McCullough, plus some of the main characters in the Newry City AFC story of last season.

Newry City AFC Official photographer Brendan Monaghan will be hosting an exhibition on the night, with a number of his images from the season available to order.

Tickets are limited and are priced at £10. They will be sold on a first come, first serve basis. To secure your ticket, contact official Facebook page NCAFC – The Film by private message.